Elevating Catholic Leadership

Tailored Strategic Solutions for Catholic Institutions

Guide your organization through transformative change, sustainable growth, and meaningful impact with confidence. At Catholic Consultancy Services (CCS), we serve as your trusted sounding board, providing high-level strategic insights through a Catholic faith lens.

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People Inspired through Live Events, Training & Seminars

World-Renowned Catholic Keynote Speakers

Internationally Acclaimed Voices for Catholic Institutions

Endorsed by Senior Catholic Leaders & Bishops Globally

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Catholic Schools & Students Impacted

“I am deeply grateful to Jonathan and his team for this Review, and for the respectful way it was undertaken, and am very happy to endorse their expertise and work.

Jonathan Doyle and his team were brought in at short notice to understand an ecosystem that was ‘World Youth Day Melbourne’. Not only did Jonathan ensure abroad reach and survey of all involved, but spent dedicated time with key leaders and organizers. The final Report came through not only with the capture of voices–but a way that connected disparate aspects in a very intelligent narrative. We were presented with clear observations, synthesized within a good understanding of the Catholic landscape. Importantly, very valuable recommendations were presented for discernment, which will certainly be incorporated for review in any future projects.”

Most Reverend Peter A. Comensoli

Archbishop of Melbourne, Australia

Take Action to Help Your Organization Flourish

As a leader, you’re navigating multiple demands as you seek 
to build an impactful, effective Catholic organization. You’re working tirelessly to inspire your people, increase your organization’s health, and meet the needs of stakeholders – because you truly care about what you do. Growth is important, but your definition of success is greater than that-your purpose is to serve God, and be the leader He created you to be!

With so much on your shoulders, you need to feel confident that the action you’re taking is contributing to a healthier future for your people and community. At CCS, we support you as an unbiased, external sounding and advisory board and empower you to see your organization clearly. We help you find what’s working, what’s not, and how you can move forward to be the organization you are called to be.

Are You Struggling to See Your Organisation Clearly?

When you’re deep in the day-to-day of your organization, it can be difficult to know if you’re seeing things as they are. Have you found yourself facing any of these challenges?

Are you stuck operating with outdated systems and strategies?

But you lack the time and capacity to implement effective change...

Are your staff unhappy in their roles and it’s creating a negative culture?

And you need help reducing turnover and creating a better environment..

Do you lack a clear vision to grow your organization andimpact more lives?

And you want to know your actions today will count tomorrow...

Do you lack confidence when it comes to crisis management?

And you want to be a proactive leader, instead of a reactive one...

Are you unsure if your current approaches and ideas are effective?

And you want an unbiased, external eye to review your projects and give you clarity...

Do you struggle to find external teams that align with your Catholic values?

And you need effective strategies, systems, and solutions based in an authentic Catholic worldview...

If you’ve answered “Yes!” to any of the above, or you simply know you could be doing more to accomplish 
your goals, serve your community, and support your staff, we can help. At CCS, we partner with you to unleash the potential of your people, develop your vision, and create a better future for your organization.

Catholic Consultancy Services (CCS)

Your Organisation’s Sounding Board for Transformation

At CCS, we deliver bespoke consultancy solutions to help your Catholic diocese school or organization thrive. Our own deeply held Catholic beliefs are infused in to our services, empowering us to provide high-level strategic insight through a Catholic lens. Whether you’re looking to enhance performance, plan better for the future, solve complex problems, or transform your people and culture, we’re equipped to help you lead more effectively and with confidence.

As people of faith and champions of your progress, we are dedicated to empowering you to lead with confidence, integrity, and vision. Together, we can navigate the complexities of the modern world while staying true to the timeless values of our Catholic tradition.

Endorsed By:

Here’s How we 
Can Support You

Our services are bespoke, tailored to the individual needs of your organization right now. Here’s just some of the ways we can make a difference for you


We’ll help you craft comprehensive strategies that align with your organizational goals, values and resources, so you can experience sustainable growth and success.


We conduct comprehensive reviews of your major programs, initiatives and systems. This includes in-depth interviews with stakeholders, surveys and more to provide deep insights into your organization to help you optimize the path ahead.


We’ll embark on an in-depth market analysis to identify emerging trends, competitive landscapes, and opportunities for expansion or diversification.

Performance Improvement Initiatives

We’ll help you implement strategies to enhance operational efficiency, productivity, and performance across your teams, departments and functions.

Change Management:

We’ll guide you through periods of change, including restructuring and cultural transformation, and support you to minimize disruption and maximize staff and community engagement.

Leadership Development:

We’ll design customized leadership development programs to cultivate a pipeline of future leaders and strengthen executive capabilities.

Leadership and Executive Coaching:

With almost three decades working closely with senior Catholic leaders across the world we are uniquely positioned to help support you as a leader. If you are ready to take the next step in your leadership journey we can provide personal leadership support and coaching as you become the leader you were created to be.

Innovation and Program Development:

Facilitating brainstorming sessions, ideation workshops, and design thinking processes to foster a culture of innovation and drive product/service development.

Performance Reviews 
and Performance Management:

Your organization is ultimately the sum of its people and their commitment to the overarching organizational vision. We can help you identify performance roadblocks and keep people moving forward in their vocational journey.

Tailored Consultancy Services:

We design specific services tailored to your exact organizational needs. Whatever your unique organizational needs are, we can help you clarify, plan and execute on a strategy for change and growth.

Respectful Relationships and Consent Education:

As leading creators of values resources in Australia, we have been uniquely positioned to know what works, and can support your organization to foster healthy relationships at every level.

MCODE for Individuals and Teams:

MCode unlocks the keys to personal and organizational success by revealing individuals' unique Motivation Codes, guiding transformative change and fostering peak performance. Understanding your MCODE empowers collaboration, productivity, and leadership effectiveness, making it an essential tool for personal and organizational growth and change.

High-Level Strategic Insights With a Faith Perspective

We can help you meet your goals from within a genuine spiritual lens, so you can lead your organization into the future with integrity. With the support of a CCS Consultant, you’ll find yourself empowered to:

…and so much more

Hear From These Catholic Institutions We’ve Partnered With:

Meet our Founder:

Jonathan Doyle

International Education Speaker, Author, Businessman & Executive Coach

Hi, I’m Jonathan Doyle…

Over the last three decades I have had the privilege of speaking around the world to more than 500,000 Catholic leaders and staff on the topics of Catholic education, Catholic charism and identity, Catholic leadership, teacher wellbeing and resilience, peak performance and more. More recently I have been honored to help major dioceses around the world with their strategic programs as well as supporting senior leaders in their unique and crucial vocational work.

I’m also the founder of influential education and media businesses–Choicez Media and One Catholic Teacher–that deliver training content to thousands of individuals in Catholic institutions around the world on a weekly basis. This includes my renowned, online Teacher Formation Program which has been used by hundreds of Catholic schools every year.

My academic background includes post-graduate qualifications in education and leadership and also time at the John Paul II Pontifical Institute studying Catholic anthropology. I have a deep passion for infusing the rich treasures of our Catholic faith in all my professional work.

I can’t wait to partner with your organization to uncover the untapped potential within your people, and inspire the change you’ve been seeking.

Inspirational keynote speaker to more than 500,000 people globally

Extensive staff formation and leadership development experience

Major project consultant for some of the world’s largest Catholic diocese

Extensive endorsements from senior Catholic leaders and bishops.

Global Catholic presence across multiple brands

Project development and deployment for thousands of Catholic schools.

What Sets Catholic Consultancy Services Apart?

We are Passionate & Dedicated Catholics Ourselves

Our Orthodox Catholic faith is a genuine and central part of our lives that we infuse into every interaction, solution, and strategy we create. You can have peace knowing we’re aligned with your genuine Catholic goals of serving people and serving God.

Two Decades of Experience in the Catholic Organizational Landscape

Catholic organizations have a very different DNA to the rest of the corporate world. With 30+ years working with organizations like yours, we understand the ideas, language and presuppositions that shape who you are, and can offer you the high-level solutions you need through a Catholic lens.

High-Level Strategic Insight for Organisations and Leaders

With decades of experience helping Catholic institutions improve their people, processes and profits, we’re confident we help set your organization apart as well. We’ve been endorsed as experts when it comes to providing high-level strategy for large institutions.

Bespoke Offerings Tailored to YourOrganisation’s Needs

Your organization is unique. Your leadership style is unique. Your opportunities and challenges are unique. That’s the part we truly value. We are specialists in helping you navigate the issues that are specific to your context.

Are you Ready to Unleash Your Organisation for Growth?

Feel confident knowing you’re steering your organization towards a positive future. Whether you need support with people, systems, or strategies, our team can help you serve God, lead more effectively and achieve your goals. Get in touch and let’s partner together today.