Today I want to talk with you about a great insight from the existentialist philosopher Soren Kierkergaard and what he can teach us about the relentless daily pursuit of hope. Hope is not something that some people just have and that some don’t. Hope is a relentless daily decision to stay focused upon what you want in the future and less upon what is not working in the present. If you want to learn more about how to generate a stronger sense of passion and purpose in your life then listen to this episode now.
Well, Hey everybody, Jonathan Doyle with you.
Speaker:Once again, welcome to the daily podcast.
Speaker:Back in the saddle.
Speaker:Hope you heard yesterday's episode.
Speaker:I cannot confirm or deny how much caffeine I've had before I came into the studio.
Speaker:But, uh, the days do start early here.
Speaker:On the prison island of Australia, still in lockdown friends, but looking forward
Speaker:to making the best of another day.
Speaker:Mindset is everything my gosh.
Speaker:The older I get the longer I live.
Speaker:I realized that, uh, I spent many, many years decades, even assuming
Speaker:that whatever my mind served up on a given day was reality.
Speaker:And then I started to realize maybe I'm not on my own team and began to
Speaker:learn over many years that our brains often service up, particularly on.
Speaker:And we need to get really good at how we manage a mental landscape yesterday.
Speaker:I talked a lot about that, about being guardians of what
Speaker:enters our hearts and minds.
Speaker:And the decision to have a strong mindset.
Speaker:I did 102 kilometer training ride on.
Speaker:Saturday morning on my stationary bike.
Speaker:Uh, yes, the technology these days is pretty fancy.
Speaker:So I use, uh,
Speaker:Platform causes whiffed and, uh, jump on for a few hours and knock
Speaker:out that 102 kilometer ride.
Speaker:And I was watching.
Speaker:A documentary at the same time.
Speaker:It's a new documentary on the Disney channel about the life of Lance.
Speaker:I'm strong.
Speaker:What a complex character, huh.
Speaker:And, uh, make your own decisions.
Speaker:If you get to watch it.
Speaker:It's it's interesting television.
Speaker:Uh, I don't know some of your thinking, how did you watch Netflix while you
Speaker:did a hundred Kira and your buck?
Speaker:You should see my setup.
Speaker:It's amazing.
Speaker:I've got.
Speaker:I got an old done.
Speaker:We got a big flat screen there just in front of the bike.
Speaker:And, uh, it's great.
Speaker:And I was watching this documentary and look, if I took one thing away from it.
Speaker:Does it, regardless of all the complexities of his, his own sense
Speaker:of morality and blah, blah, blah.
Speaker:Is just that.
Speaker:His mindset, his, his.
Speaker:Ruthlessness and competitiveness.
Speaker:Would just extraordinary.
Speaker:I want to balance this.
Speaker:Cause I don't want you to hear me saying let's all be like that,
Speaker:but what I did observe there's his ability to create results in life.
Speaker:And I know people say, well, he cheated.
Speaker:He cheated.
Speaker:Of course he did.
Speaker:But even behind that was this kind of mindset, which was just so artfully.
Speaker:I dunno how to explain it.
Speaker:I think what I took away from it was just that.
Speaker:If you want to create.
Speaker:Extraordinary results in life.
Speaker:Then you will need an uncommon mindset now.
Speaker:In his case, it took him down a very destructive and negative path that
Speaker:harmed himself in a lot of others.
Speaker:But I did.
Speaker:Have the insight that if you want to take your life somewhere, then
Speaker:you need to be very much in control.
Speaker:Of how you structure your thinking.
Speaker:And how you relate to reality.
Speaker:So on that today.
Speaker:We're going to talk about a great quote from the philosopher.
Speaker:The existentialist philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard.
Speaker:And I know you woke up today thinking, you know what I need in my life.
Speaker:I need some more existential philosophy.
Speaker:So Kiki God was.
Speaker:A very influential, a, a existential philosopher and.
Speaker:I want to give you this very simple quote, because it's picking up on the theme that
Speaker:I've been working on the last few days.
Speaker:I think it's really important.
Speaker:He simply says hope.
Speaker:Is passion.
Speaker:For what is possible.
Speaker:Hope his passion for what is possible.
Speaker:Now I think the world we're in at the moment is super
Speaker:short on hope it's it's hype.
Speaker:Hyper hyper off the scale on fear.
Speaker:And uncertainty.
Speaker:And anger.
Speaker:And frustration and it's really low on hope.
Speaker:I did another podcast yesterday for a different group that I speak to.
Speaker:And I talked about becoming traders in the commodity of hope
Speaker:traders in the commodity of hope.
Speaker:Hope is a decision.
Speaker:It's not a feeling necessarily.
Speaker:It's not a.
Speaker:You know, fingers crossed.
Speaker:You know, it's all rainbows and unicorns and everything's going to
Speaker:work out hope is a firm decision.
Speaker:And you can see Kiki guide here is telling us hope as a passion for what's possible.
Speaker:It's that what we do is we begin to set up a process of navigation in our life.
Speaker:We go, I'm going here.
Speaker:I'm navigating to this place.
Speaker:And we get clarity on that.
Speaker:We internalize what it looks like.
Speaker:And then we begin to experience and develop and hone a
Speaker:passion for what is possible.
Speaker:We don't get a passion for what's happening.
Speaker:We don't get a passion by looking around us at all the darkness and
Speaker:all the problems we don't get.
Speaker:You know, you don't get innovated by, sorry, energized by that.
Speaker:You do get innovated by it.
Speaker:You know, if you focus on the negative, if you focus on what you don't have, if
Speaker:you focus on what you cannot control.
Speaker:If you focus on what the government is doing or taking away.
Speaker:I mean, I love this idea that they're going to give us some of
Speaker:our freedoms back governments.
Speaker:Don't get to give us some of our freedoms back our freedoms, our freedoms, it's
Speaker:innate in what it means to be human.
Speaker:Um, just a little tangent there.
Speaker:I think, uh, we don't get our freedoms handed back to us.
Speaker:I think, you know, vast numbers of incredible men and women sacrificed
Speaker:their lives to build a kind of freedoms that are so essential.
Speaker:So I don't spend too much time focusing on the darkness around me and
Speaker:what governments can and cannot do.
Speaker:And, uh, whether or not next month that we're going to have X things back.
Speaker:I just focus on.
Speaker:Really what I want to have in my life, the kind of contribution I want to make,
Speaker:what I want to do with Karen and the kids.
Speaker:I get energized by a passion for what's possible.
Speaker:So one more time.
Speaker:Here's the quote, hope is passionate for what is possible.
Speaker:Hope is passion.
Speaker:For what is possible.
Speaker:Do you remember in your a kid?
Speaker:You know, when you're little and you get really excited about
Speaker:something, I'll give you an example.
Speaker:My, my son.
Speaker:Is just amazing.
Speaker:He he's a he's 12 and he has the most phenomenal skillset.
Speaker:He just has this ability for design creation, building stuff, you know,
Speaker:yesterday he built a motorized.
Speaker:Backpack umbrella opener.
Speaker:I'm not making this up.
Speaker:He developed.
Speaker:Uh, with electric motors and a whole bunch of stuff, this thing, cause
Speaker:it's been raining for a few days.
Speaker:He kind of thought, wouldn't it be cool if you had a backpack and you press a button.
Speaker:And this umbrella.
Speaker:Would just manual would just automatically open behind you.
Speaker:And you're just building this thing, Karen and I going really?
Speaker:You just did that.
Speaker:Credible kid.
Speaker:And he's into a.
Speaker:A lot of design and coding and building things.
Speaker:And he saved up for ages and he saved up a lot of money and he, yesterday.
Speaker:We placed an order for his first 3d printer.
Speaker:So this thing will be here in a few days, a 3d printer, so he can actually design
Speaker:stuff on CAD on computerated design.
Speaker:Um, and then have these things actually come to life through the 3d printer.
Speaker:Now here's my point.
Speaker:What's it got to do with you yesterday?
Speaker:He was just bouncing off the walls with excitement.
Speaker:He was just so excited.
Speaker:He kept like giggling and laughing and good.
Speaker:Couldn't stop talking to us all about this.
Speaker:Incredible thing that he was building.
Speaker:And it was beautiful to watch.
Speaker:It was really exciting.
Speaker:And you know why, because as I think about it, he's doing exactly what soar
Speaker:and Kiki, God reminds us of your hope, his passion for what is possible.
Speaker:He was energized by this.
Speaker:this passion for what he could now possibly do.
Speaker:So he didn't place the order for the 3d printer and then get depressed.
Speaker:Did he, he didn't go, oh, well, I placed the order now.
Speaker:Uh, I guess I'll just sit around and wait till it shows up and
Speaker:maybe I'll make something.
Speaker:It wasn't like that.
Speaker:He was so pumped.
Speaker:Because his heart and spirit and mind was envisioning what's possible.
Speaker:And that led to an energizing passion.
Speaker:And as I thought about this coming into the studio, I thought, you know, some
Speaker:cynics will say, well, you know, Jonathan.
Speaker:There is reality, right?
Speaker:There is all these things happening.
Speaker:And if you just want to tell people to have a hope about the future
Speaker:and passion for what's possible.
Speaker:What if it doesn't come to pass?
Speaker:Well, here's my answer to that.
Speaker:If it doesn't come to pass, you are still going to enjoy your life a hell of a lot
Speaker:more than if you focus on the darkness.
Speaker:If you get to the end of your life and you didn't tick every box and
Speaker:you didn't kick every goal and you didn't make every dream a reality.
Speaker:That's fine.
Speaker:What matters is that you took the shot?
Speaker:What matters?
Speaker:Is that you were the kind of person who got energized and passionate
Speaker:and positive about trying something, doing something rather than just
Speaker:somebody who gave in and gave up.
Speaker:So let's have hope and let's have passion for what's possible.
Speaker:So maybe today you need to get a journal out and as hard as it might
Speaker:feel, you're going to write some goals.
Speaker:You're going to write some ideas about what you want to have in the future.
Speaker:About how things could be different places you want to go.
Speaker:You know, yesterday I was thinking.
Speaker:I've been riding my motorbikes heaps and, uh,
Speaker:One of my bikes.
Speaker:I got, I got to try.
Speaker:Um, Tiger 900 and it's a really good long distance endurance bike.
Speaker:And I bought it because I wanted to, you know, take the kids, camping and stuff.
Speaker:In remote areas.
Speaker:And I was just thinking yesterday, I was thinking.
Speaker:Where am I going to go when this ends, when this craziness is all over.
Speaker:I started to think about.
Speaker:What cool place I might like to take one of the kids on the motorbike.
Speaker:Where could we care?
Speaker:Where should we go?
Speaker:And then your spirit lifts.
Speaker:You kind of get this energy about what might happen.
Speaker:Maybe it happens.
Speaker:Maybe we can do it in two weeks.
Speaker:Maybe it's two years.
Speaker:I don't know, but I'm focused on that future orientation.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:That's it for me today.
Speaker:Um, I hope that's a blessing for you, please make sure you've
Speaker:subscribed to the podcast.
Speaker:So wherever you're hearing this hit subscribe, hit subscribe, hit subscribe.
Speaker:And let's, uh, let's basically keep encouraging each other.
Speaker:I'll get myself organized and I will give you a build a new Facebook group.
Speaker:Cause I, I Facebook shut an account down about a year of government
Speaker:and rebuild that for everybody.
Speaker:So stay tuned.
Speaker:I'll get some more links for you.
Speaker:But for now just it's subscribed.
Speaker:Just stay in the loop.
Speaker:So I'm getting these to your every day.
Speaker:All right friends.
Speaker:God bless you.
Speaker:My name's Jonathan Doyle.
Speaker:This has been the daily podcast and I'm going to have another