One of the most destructive forces in our lives is the idea that we can pursue our dreams or chase our goals at some point in the future. It can be so easy to tell ourselves that we can get to work on them ‘tomorrow’. In today’s episode we return to the wisdom of Ancient...
In today’s episode I explore a great quote from Seneca The Elder, one of the great poets and writers of the late 1st century BC. He helps us remember that our imagination can often work against us and that most of the worst things we worry about will never happen. It’s time to become more...
Jesse Owens is one of the great figures of both sporting and social history. While he was born with rare genetic gifts that gave him the basis of a career it was other things that took him to incredible success. In today’s message we hear a great quote from Jesse that reminds us all about...
There is a common belief that we need to ‘find ourselves’ before we can press on a do something meaningful with the time that has been given to us. Today we explore an insight from the famous playwright George Bernard Shaw who helps us discover that we need to think less about finding ourselves and...
We live in moment in history where many people love to take on the identity of a victim. There has to come a moment in all our lives when we realise that no one is ultimately responsible for our happiness in life but ourselves. In this message it’s time to talk about forgiveness and moving...
We all face times when we get knocked down by the pain and challenges of life. What matters is how we find the resilience and courage to press on and keep chasing our hopes and dreams. In today’s message the great figure of American history Abigail Adams reminds us that we are all here for...
Benjamin Franklin is someone who knew a great deal about adversity and facing hard times. His example of courage and determination in the face of existential threats is powerful. In today’s message we explore an insight from Franklin that reminds us that it is often in the hardest times when hope is hard to find...
Mark Twain is one of the great writers of American history and possessed a powerful insight into human nature. In today’s message re helps us realise that we must always seek to surround ourselves with positive people who see the best in us and want the best for us. Often, we settle for relationships and...
Most people go through their life deeply hypnotised by the belief that it is their circumstances that shape their experience of life. In today’s message we gain an insight from Stephen Covey that the real magic comes from realising that it is always our choices and decisions and not our circumstances that create our experience...
The greatest enemy you face is within. Fear is the force that shapes so many of our choices. If you look back into your life so far you will, like most of us, see so many times when fear stopped you from stepping into the life that was waiting for you. In today’s episode we...