I can’t deny that I struggle with virtue signalling. Adding a hashtag to your social media accounts about the latest global issue is going to become more and more challenging because it seems the issues we need to care about seem to shift on an almost deeply basis. What if, before we gave our energies...
When life is tough it is so easy to identify any external issue and make it the reason we are unhappy. It will always be easier to find a cause outside ourselves for the hardships and challenges of our life. There are so many candidates. We can blame the economy, the government or our childhoods...
Remember when you were young? Your dreams and goals lived within you in full colour and it seemed only a matter of time until you were enjoying all you had imagined? Somehow, on the journey of life we can lose connection with the things that once gave us so much passion and energy. In today’s...
How good would it be if you could radically simplify your life by finally identifying the essential reasons you have been placed on this planet? We spend so much time trying to perfect things we were never meant to perfect. Today’s message is all about the radical idea that there just might be something you...
It’s understandable that when things are tough we can easily convince ourselves that the issue is external and real. When life really challenges us it makes sense that we blame anything but our perception. In today’s episode we focus upon the greatest inconvenient truth in our lives. It’s the truth that we can do much...
One of the great challenges that we face in modern life is the process of shifting our focus off what other people may be achieving or experiencing and learning to focus more upon how we can maximise our own individual strengths and abilities. Grab a free copy of my book Bridging the Gap here: https://go.jonathandoyle.co/btg-pdf
In today’s episode we explore an important quote from the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. It’s a great reminder that we have to focus upon the life that is actually in front of us and the people that we care about the most. Don’t waste an other day of your life wishing you had someone else’s...
William James is often referred to as the ‘father of modern psychology.’ His insights into the essence of the human capacity for improvement and growth still have so much to teach us in the 21st century. In today’s episode we discuss James’ important insight that life is rarely about major events that change everything but...
It is very easy, given the reach and impact of celebrity and social media culture, to spend our lives wishing we were someone else. If only, we feel, we were taller, richer, more famous or more beautiful, then our lives wold suddenly work! In today’s message I share a powerful insight from Carl Jung who...
For many years I have been making the point that we don’t overcome fear by thinking our way out of it. We overcome fear by action. It is what we do on a daily basis that makes all the difference. In today’s episode I talk about the impact of a powerful quote from Napoleon Hill...