We all face moments in life when it seems like our world is crashing down around us. It can be a financial, health or relationship issue that forces us to confront our greatest fears of death, failure or abandonment. In this episode I want to offer some encouragement to us all about how these darkest...
There is a reason that your best goals and plans often seem to struggle against a powerful unseen opponent. That opponent lies hidden deeply in your subconscious mind but there is something you can do about it. In today’s episode I explore the tension between our conscious mind and the deeper forces that drive us....
In today’s episode we link up some of the insights from business giants Ray Dalio and Ben Horowitz. Why does nature seem to always be developing, growing and improving and why does our attitude to ‘struggle’ determine so much of the results we create i life. No matter what you are facing in life right...
After a short break I’m back to share some daily encouragement. One of the great truths of existence is that every single day we have the chance to change or the possibility of remaining the same. During these difficult global times it is time to refocus on the daily invitation to growth no matter what...
Most people spend a large part of their life allowing their day-to-day experiences to dictate their emotional and behavioural responses. In this episode I am going to share with you a scientifically validated system of navigating the positive and negative experiences that we all encounter. Once you begin to put this into practice you will...
Success seems a lot like an iceberg. We see only the tip. We see only the end result of success but we rarely see the years of effort and dedication that created the outcomes that successful people pursue. In today’s episode I am going to share a recent story about how showing up every day...
There is a massive illusion at the heart of our culture that some people are just born with the necessary talent that takes them to greatness. It’s easy to believe that talent alone is all it takes to get all you want in life. In this message I am going to share an inspirational message...
In today’s episode I respond in detail to a listener question about how to change pretty much everything. I talk about making a career change, losing weight and also about identifying if pain or desire are your biggest motivators. Don’t miss this episode as the ideas here are relevant for everyone. 
Today I got home from a two hour run at 6.30am and was about to rip into another day. Suddenly, in the stillness I sensed a prompting to do something that I had not planned to do. In this episode I want to share with you that there is something called ‘the still small voice’...
Do you ever find yourself stuck in some area of life and wonder why other people seem to keep succeeding? It’s always easy to put this down to talent or luck but in this episode I want to suggest a deeper reason. When faced with adversity and set-backs some people seem to find a way...