In today’s episode I want to share with you a wonderful quote from one of the greatest inventors of the last few hundred years. Thomas Edison lived a life of constant creativity and innovation and his words remind us that most of us live lives never realising so much of the incredible capacity and potential...
In today’s episode I want to share with you how the massive rise in distraction and complexity in our lives can steal the richness from our lives and relationships. It takes more discipline and commitment than ever to resist endless distraction and also to be truly present to the people we care about the most....
When I was 12 years old I had a dream that I decided I was never going to let go of. In this episode I want to share that story with you as well as how my recent hospital visit taught me so much about the decision to live every day like it’s your last....
In today’s episode I want to talk with you about the concept of ‘accretions’. Just like barnacles that stick to the bottom of a ship we can often end up with beliefs about ourselves that cling to the ship of our life and slow us down in significant ways. Today I want to help you...
Years ago I heard a great story about monkeys being trapped by hunters because the monkeys refused to let go of the bait they had clasped in their fists. In a similar way we can end up stuck in life by a refusal to let go of ideas, behaviour patterns or relationships that are holding...
It’s one of the most basic principles of all personal development. The ability to enhance mental toughness by increasingly developing control over your thinking. Many people go through life assuming that whatever crosses their mind is objective reality. In contrast, other people begin to take control over that they think and what they say to...
Earlier this week I talked about the massive influence of Sigmund Freud with regard to the idea that trauma determines our present and future. But what if he was wrong? In today’s episode I want to present another controversial idea. What if we could simply choose to forget anything in our life that does not...
One of the biggest challenges in the digital age is managing distractions. We all face so many constant interruptions in the pursuit of effective results in key areas of our lives. In today’s episode I want to discuss a range of ideas with for managing distractions and maximising personal effectiveness.
This is the final instalment of key learning from my recent hospital visit. This time I want to talk with you about vulnerability and personal development. I want to suggest that when we face suffering or hardship there is also an opportunity to let those close to us be a part of that journey. We...
I recently read the important book called The Courage To Be Disliked. Its main idea is extremely controversial because it basically rejects the idea that trauma and suffering in our life have a powerful impact on our present and future. In today’s podcast I want to talk about the idea of reframing trauma and finding...