Greetings from the 9th floor of the Hilton Hotel in downtown San Francisco. Today I want to talk with you about a crucial topic that can shape our lives. Complaining! We all do it but it does not have to become the background soundtrack to your life. Do one of these two things and you...
Greetings from the Hilton Hotel in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Today’s message is all about becoming a more active participant in shaping your content consumption. Each day we are presented with vast amounts of media input and the danger is that we fail to realise the impact it may be having. One of the key components...
Greetings from the 6th floor of the Hilton Hotel in Jackson, Mississippi, USA. Today’s episode is my real time explanation of how daily routines can help you stay on track regardless of whatever is happening in the environment around you. I’m learning in life that one of the crucial skills is to never let the...
Yesterday I talked about the way that mental detours and ‘off-ramps’ can quickly take us in directions we would rather not go. So what do we do when we notice negative or self-critical mindsets begin to take hold? In today’s episode I want to talk about how a simple re-frame and use of better questions...
Ever taken a wrong turn and ended up miles from where you were headed? We’ve all been there at some point. It’s so easy to be travelling down one road, make a small error and end up a long way off course. In today’s episode I want to talk with you about the ‘mental of-ramps’...
In the gym today I hit a new personal best on dumbbell press. It was a good experience after a lot of work in recent months. It reminded me of the fact that growth comes from constantly pushing against heavier weights. We don’t get stronger in the gym or in life unless we accept that...
Have you ever looked back at the end of a year and wondered if you really accomplished much or if anything in your life had really changed? One speaker use to say that we overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can do in a year. Therefore, if we string...
We all face it. Fear can be a minor inconvenience or a debilitating beast that lays waste to all our hopes and dreams. In this episode I want to offer you the most basic yet most powerful of strategies to start transforming your experience of fear and beginning to live in freedom. You were not...
A good friend of mine suffered a terrible tragedy that changed the course of their life. They recently reached out and asked for some ideas about how to move forward. It’s a great reminder that all of us have setbacks and the way to a successful life is learning how to navigate those moments when...
Last year I was on a plane out of Honolulu and got bounced around the sky like a pinball. The turbulence was off the scale. Nothing like being suspended 40,000 feet over the pacific in a metal tube! Sometimes my emotions feel pretty similar. Our feelings can often feel turbulent and unpredictable and if left...