In today’s episode I answer two listener questions. One is about how to find a sense of direction and purpose and the other is about how to get leverage on yourself when you need to change. If you ever find yourself not enjoying work or seeking a deeper sense of connection to what you do...
Yesterday I had one of the best days of my life and it did not happen by accident. I gave myself permission to do something I once would never have even considered. In this episode I want to share with you a series of steps that can really help you to transform your experience of...
It’s interesting to note that if you rob a bank you only go to court once. However, when you can’t forgive yourself you get convicted every day of your life over and over again. In today’s episode I want to talk with you about the power of self-forgiveness to change our inner and outer world....
I am really excited about this episode. It captures the very essence of what usually differentiates people along the road of life. Whenever we face moments of pain or struggle people will always end up on one of the two paths I discuss in this episode. If you want to really start moving your life...
The thing about termites is that you usually don’y know you have a problem….until you suddenly ‘KNOW’ you have a problem. When you step on that floor board and drop through the floor! In a similar way, time-wasting is a very easy-to-do modern affliction that slowly eats away at your success just like termites eat...
Ever face a moment in your life when it all just seemed too hard? What did you do? Did you press on or pull back? Did you forge ahead or let go and move on to something else? In the tough moments of life it can be hard to know what to do next. In...
Last week I had three experiences where strangers cornered me and just kept talking. I once would have been bothered by this but it got me thinking about the deep human need to be heard and how listening well can be a casualty of our super busy culture. In this episode I want to talk...
Last week I read a good article in Harvard Business Review about how most performance reviews fundamentally fail to create the results that managers assume they will create. Turns out that people in general don’t even respond to so called, ‘constructive criticism.’ What does work is identifying people’s strengths and building upon them. In this...
We all have a very human ability to make the simple things complex. Ultimately, personal development is a process of changing behaviour. It’s not enough to think some different thoughts from time to time. We actually need to do different things. In this episode I want to talk about the doing what is ‘uncommon’ so...
I’ve always liked the saying, “No one can pay me enough to hate my life!” We spend so much of our lives at work but how many of us find the work we do meaningful, enjoyable or even tolerable? In today’s episode I want to share some insights from an interesting book written way back...