If change was easy then we would all do it. If change was easy then most people would find a way to press through and start to build the life they really desire. If we say we want things to be different in our lives then what seems to make us stay stuck? In this...
Todays message takes you deeper into the mysteries of my magic whiteboard. A week ago I spent a lot of time mapping out some core ideas that I am using to move myself forward and in this episode I am going to share them with you. I want to talk about changing your beliefs, acting...
We all have seasons in life when nothing seems to work. Have you ever been there? I know I have. When we face tough times the basic human response is either blame or avoidance. instead of facing the challenge of the situation head on, so many people think it’s time to abandon ship. In this...
Today’s episode is all about the difference between elite performers on the global stage and the results that most people seem to just settle for. Why do some people achieve the most incredible feats of success and influence while so many settle for mediocrity. In this message I outline a very basic principle that highlights...
This episode comes from a load of personal experience. Sleep is one of the most precious commodities in the world but most of us are missing out every single day. The data is amazing. We are the most sleep deprived societies in world history. So, today I want to share with you what I’ve been...
For hundreds of years highly intelligent people believed that Earth was flat and that if you sailed off the edge then you were headed for serious trouble. In a similar way, many people also thought slavery was a good idea. So, how do ideas change? How do people change what they think? How can we...
In today’s episode I share how asking one single question can take a person from failure to a 41 million dollar exit strategy. Often in life, when we get stuck, we can think that if we just do more of what we’ve been doing then we might be able to dig ourselves out of a...
In today’s message I want to suggest that we all need to consider a constant recalibration from too much self-focus to reaching out to those who need us. Our moment in history seems to be driven by a constant push toward self-promotion which can mean we gradually begin to overlook the needs of those around...
What do you do in life if you really need to change a belief but just find it really hard? The basis of personal development is the need to move from one place to another but what do you do when you just can’t find the faith or belief to make the jump? In today’s...
The brilliant British poet and writer Oscar Wilde, said it best, “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” In a world of 8 billion people it seems many of us are more comfortable trying to meet others expectations than in accepting the radical and unique gifts of our own nature. In this episode I want to...