In today’s message I share some ideas from David Goggins’ new book ‘Can’t Hurt Me’ – Goggins teaches us that even when you think you have hit your limit there is still a long way to go. The key to unlocking more of your potential is to begin to deliberately choose environments that really test...
In today’s episode I bring a reminder that creating new results in life is a mix of knowledge and execution. To learn new things we need to create environments where we can concentrate deeply and learn what needs to be learned. Concentration and the avoidance of distraction are crucial to long-term success.
In today’s message I share a powerful insight from Eleanor Roosevelt who helps us understand that we cannot let others dictate how we feel and how we respond emotionally to others. We can easily feel that other people are responsible for making us feel negative emotions we have so much more power than we think.
In today’s message I talk about the crucial importance of becoming relentless and of not allowing feelings or circumstances to dictate your approach to daily growth. It’s not what we do one day that matters, It’s what we do everyday.
In today’s podcast I share with you some simple insights from the amazing Charlie Engle. His life story and his conclusions about the power of adaption have so much to offer us all. In the end, we need to figure out what life is asking of us and how we need to adapt and change.
In today’s episode I talk about the way that we use our bodies has a powerful impact upon our entire experience of life. I talk about depression and how we can use breathing, posture and movement to change how we feel and also how we think.
Why do some people find it apparently easy to do the hard things but many of us find it so hard to make the changes we need to make?” In today’s episode I share a few basic principles about willpower, activation energy, and much more. It’s a rich message that can help you get the...
In today’s episode I share some insights from two great audio books that describe the journey of some remarkable people. Their journeys from addiction and dysfunction to world class performance can offer all of us some helpful insights into how we can transform our own lives.
In today’s message I share the habit that was impacting me in negative ways for a long time. Lack of consistency can show up in many ways but the result is always the same. We end up with less than we desire for the key areas of our lives. In this episode I explain how...
In today’s message I explore the toxic impact of complaining and blame in our lives. While we like to think we are just being honest we need to understand that blame and complaining steal our power and surrender our capacity to people and circumstance. It’s time to take your power back.