In today’s message I share the simple truth that no matter how bad things can get we always get tomorrow. Each morning when the sun rises we have a chance to make a difference in our own life and the lives of others. Each new day we can go back to work on habits, attitudes...
In today’s episode I respond to a listeners question about how to avoid stress and anxiety when chasing your dreams. If you are new to goal-setting or personal development it’s very easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you need to have it all accomplished by next week. Today I share the truth...
When was the last time you really experienced silence. When did you last spend any amount of time in solitude just with your own thoughts and feelings. The hectic pace of modern life means that we often fail to find the time to just be with ourselves and to check in with the desires of...
In today’s episode I talk about the major cultural trend toward individualism and why we need to pick back. We have evolved as highly social creatures but many aspects of modern  life drive us toward self-focus and a narrow set of relationships. To create a more rich and abundant life we need to commit to...
In today’s message I share the importance of the decision to become relentless. So often, we don’t have the internal positive feelings we would like to have. So what do we do? Today I talk about the decision just to make that one single choice to become relentless. It’s a daily decision that can change...
In today’s episode I spend some time discussing the way that focussing upon the needs of others can do so much to move us out of negative mental states. Our culture is increasingly self-absorbed and it is also increasingly depressed and anxious. Perhaps a greater focus upon the needs of others could help all of...
In today’s episode I share the simple insight that creating real change in your life requires a truly uncommon mindset. It’s not enough to simply have a few nice ideas about change. You need to have a totally different mindset. Understanding what it takes is a crucial step that will keep you pressing on when...
In today’s episode I explore how the top level decisions can really shape our lives but how we also need to pay a lot of attention to the small moments of decision that we face every day. In the small moments of decision our destiny is shaped.
It’s so easy to fall for the talent myth. We can easily come to believe that there are some super-talented people and then there are the rest of us who are just plain average. Nothing could be further from the truth. Talent exists but it is not the all-powerful x-factor we have come to believe....
In today’s episode I share one of the final key points from my book Bridging The Gap. Talent is not unimportant but it is not the only thing that matters. The ability to have grit and to stay the course when things are tough is also so important. Let me share with you some simple...