In today’s podcast I talk about the power of Impostor Syndrome.  We can all feel a different times in life that we are inadequate for the challenges we face. In today’s message I give you two simple strategies for overcoming Impostor Syndrome in your life.
In today’s episode, I explore the simple truth that we are often much too hard on ourselves. It’s so easy to focus on what we have not yet achieved instead of all that we have accomplished.
Neuroplasticity teaches us that the brain is constantly developing and chancing in response to our experience and how we filter our experiences. By working hard to think differently and focus on different things we can experience a very different life.
In today’s episode I explore the importance of making sure that you only feed your mind with content that will move you forward in life. So many people spend their life absorbing vast quantities of material that negatively impacts their wellbeing.
A mindset of abundance always trumps greed and a mindset of scarcity. In today.s message I talk about the massive difference between greed and abundance and why you need to let go of scarcity.
In today’s episode I explain why changing your life is not always a walk in the park and also why a continual focus on serving others can make you happier than just about anything else.
In today’s episode I explore the relevance of Stephen Covey’s great insights on the three important ‘circles’ in our life. The goal is to make sure you are spending time doing the things that you can actually control and not the things you can’t. Many people spend their life wasting time on things they cannot...
In today’s episode I talk about the relationship between big picture focus and the need to make sure you also drill down to doing the work that is right in front of you. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. All we get is today. Too often, people dream about a different future without realising that it’s...
While it’s not always easy to change something in your life but it is possible. Today’s episode is a live recording of a radio interview I gave last week where I discussed some simple strategies for going to work on the habits that are really holding you back. It all comes down to clarity and...
Last week I talked about the importance of changing the one biggest bad habit you have. Today I want to share with you what happens when you ignore too many of the small habits that can slowly eat away at your foundation. Let’s take a few moments together and discuss the small things that may...