Last week I talked about the importance of changing the one biggest bad habit you have. Today I want to share with you what happens when you ignore too many of the small habits that can slowly eat away at your foundation. Let’s take a few moments together and discuss the small things that may...
In today’s episode I share a great quote from Tim Grover’s book, Relentless. He helps us understand that the price of admission to a higher level of performance and outcome has a lot to do with our capacity for managing discomfort. What do you find hard to do? What do you resist doing? In this...
In today’s episode I share some simple encouragement to get you thinking about all that is possible for you in this life. There is so much incredible potential in your life. There is so much you have have, be, do, experience and contribute. Don’t settle for less that what’s possible.
At any given moment we all face one main thing that, if we could change it, so much would change. The ability to make that change comes down to a few key steps. What is this negative habit giving you? What is it allowing you to avoid? What would be different if you could change...
In today’s episode I explain how knowing our ‘fundamental reasons’ is crucial to both creating and sustaining change in our lives. Without a deep awareness of what drives us to do the hard work of building an uncommon life it is easy to give up when the pressure increases. Knowing the essence of your motivation...
In today’s episode I explore the simple truth that creates a world of difference between people who create lives of impact and meaning and those who sit on the couch of life. Always understand this; you will rarely feel like doing the hard work that needs to be done. I offer you the very simple...
In today’s episode I reply to a listeners question about knowing which goals you actually begin to set in your life. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you must have certain goals but the truth is that all goal setting needs to be a reflection of a larger blueprint for your life....
In today’s message I talk about the simple fact that during the tough seasons of life we often just need to hang in there long enough to see the clouds disappear. It’s not always easy to trust that things are going to change but if we are patient and reach out for the help that...
In today’s message I talk about the concept of ‘unconditional regard’ and how we need to allocate our time to the people and relationships that make us better people. There are so many people in our lives who may often bring unwanted complexity and unhappiness. We cannot simply avoid them all the time. What we...
In today’s message I explore the rising tide of anxiety that impacts so many people around the world. What can we do to reduce the amount of anxiety and stress that we encounter on a daily basis. Learning to trust can be a hard road, especially if you have been hurt by life. It is...