Enquire about booking Jonathan to speak: https://choicez.txfunnel.com/SPEAKINGENQUIRY Jonathan is on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpCYnW4yVdd93N1OTbsxgyw Karen’s MasterClass for Women is here: https://bit.ly/geniusmasterclasskaren
One of the hardest things in creating change in your life is that you can too easily focus on the outcome instead of just getting started. Some goals are going to stretch you and you will struggle to get started when they seem too big. In this episode, I want to talk with you about...
One of the least helpful things you can do in daily life is to constantly berate yourself for negative experiences and outcomes. If we don’t start becoming our own cheerleaders then we end up becoming our own judge and jury. In today’s episode, I help you understand who the real enemy is. Book a coaching...
We don’t experience life. We actually experience the life that we choose to focus upon. In today’s message, I help you realize that you possess an incredible power to shape and change your experience of life by learning to choose where you place your focus. Book a coaching call with me now https://go.jonathandoyle.co/coaching-offer Grab a...
There is a force that can end up controlling every area of your life and it can be very hard to recognize. It’s the power of ‘patterns’. So much of daily life can come down to a series of semi-conscious patterns and not all of those patterns are going to help you grow. In today’s...
It’s very understandable that we want our lives to be easier. We all want to wake up and see our problems disappear. The truth, however, is that our problems can often end up being a massive gift in our lives. Our problems are there to help us grow and change. In fact, your problems are...
If you spend time watching mainstream media it can be easy to think that the world is coming to an end and that tomorrow will be worse than today. In today’s episode, I want to talk with you about the need to create and hold on to your own sense of a ‘compelling future.’ No...
In today’s episode, I respond to a listener who is facing some really hard times on the relationship front. The ideas in this episode however can be applied to any situation you are facing. It’s all about learning to focus on the things we can control and learning to accept the ones we can’t. Book...
Today’s episode covers some powerful topics that touch all our lives. Guilt and shame are powerful forces that can shape our futures in profound ways. Listen in as I explore how to navigate these realities and how we can take two important steps to create a happier life. Book a coaching call with me now...
In the 13th century, a certain famous philosopher gave us a two-word quote that can help you understand why so many people live their lives on a series of wishes rather than serious goals they plan to attain. Listen in as I take you back in time to an idea that will help you shape...