Don’t Stay Stuck When You Know You Need To Change

Are you truly happy with where you are in life right now? Is there ever a sense in your heart or mind that maybe something needs to change? If you take a moment to look at nature and the very cosmos itself you will quickly notice that change is at the very heart of all […]

The Reason You Might Struggle With Motivation

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could listen to a speaker, read a book or take a course and suddenly find ourselves overcome with a powerful sense of super-charged motivation and drive? Why does it often seem so hard to do the things we feel we ‘should’ do? In this episode I help you uncover […]

Life Is Not Happening To You It’s Happening For You

In this episode I want to talk with you about the possibility that the challenges and difficulties you experience might also be the way in which the universe is helping you to grow and develop. The amount of distraction and noise in modern life can lead to a sense of despondency and an inability to […]

How To Do What You Don’t Want To Do

Why is it so hard to do some of those daily things that we know we need to do? Why is it so easy to do the things that we know we should avoid doing? Being your own worst enemy is not something you would choose right? In this episode I explore the evolutionary reasons […]

Why You Don’t Want All Your Dreams To Come True

Many people assume that they will be happy the moment they have a ton of money, a perfect body and global fame. The truth is that the moment you get all your dreams to come true you are going to be miserable! I know, it sounds crazy right? The truth is that life is not […]

Freedom From Stress, Overwhelm and Overload

In today’s episode we are going to explore one of the most important bedrock principles of managing the times of stress and overwhelm that we all face. I want to talk with you about the impact of language patterns and how to use your body instead of your mind to make the changes you need […]

How To Waste Your Life

In today’s episode we go deeper into a powerful quote from the great psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Yung believed that it was possible to waste our lives by not living up to the incredible potential that each of us carries. This is not about living up to some cultural ideal of success or copying another person’s […]

Finding More Reasons To Enjoy Your Life

Do you ever feel like you can only be happy when you have achieved all your goals and organised your life to be exactly the way you want it? So many of us spend our lives waiting to be happy at some point in the future instead of finding reasons to encounter joy and gratitude […]

Ambition Or Service In The Game of Life

This is a special episode where I reply to a lovely letter I recently received from a regular listener. It’s time to evaluate our cultural obsession with success and fame as opposed to a life of sacrifice and service. Is the goal of life to make as much money as possible and pursue our own […]

Reviewing Your Life And The Story of Peter Graham

The pace of modern life often means that we can end up living on autopilot. Today I share a great quote about the need to constantly review what really matters and then find the courage to act on it. I also share the story of Peter Graham where we learn that no matter what we […]