The Invisible Battles That Shape Our Lives

We don’t all win Olympic Gold Medals and we don’t all have to face the rejection of one of history’s greatest dictators but Jesse Owen’s did and he has something he wants to tell you. In today’s message I want to talk with you about the reality of the invisible daily battles we all face. […]

Creating Optimal Context

How do some people seem so creative, productive or effective while many of us end up swimming in a sea of chaos and stress? There must be a reason right? Well, today I have some good news. In this episode I want to share with you some simply insights about how deliberately creating ideal environments […]

What I Learned From The Iron Cowboy

James Lawrence completed the unthinkable. A test of human endurance beyond anything attempted. I watched his documentary yesterday and it’s an extraordinary reflection on human endurance, suffering and willpower. However, what struck me most was something his wife said at the very end. Let me share it with you in today’s episode.

Reaching Out For Help

You’d be amazed at how much support there is all around you. So often in life we press on alone trying to solve all our problems and challenges alone. It does not have to be that way. In today’s episode I want to draw your attention to the truth that there are people all around […]

Why You Need To Stop Being Hard on Yourself

“You may not be perfect….but there are parts of you are that are excellent!” In today’s message I want to talk about the way in which we rarely speak life and encouragement over ourselves but can be blazingly fast to criticize and put ourselves down. The truth is that self-acceptance and self-encouragement can make a […]

The Reason Most People Are Unhappy

Ever find yourself chasing something in life and just getting more and more disillusioned?  We’ve all been there. We try so hard to make things happen and even if we get there, it still seems like there are just more mountains to climb. In today’s message I am ambitiously going to outline the reason most people […]

Why We Need To Listen More

As our world grows more fragmented, intense and disruptive there remain some old skills and habits that can become more important than ever. I’m convinced that the ability to listen deeply and consistently to others will become increasingly important as the culture around us becomes saturated in noise. In this episode I want to talk […]

How To Impact The Darkness In The World

In today’s message I want to share two important insights from the recent mass shootings in the USA. I want to share two simple things we can all do that can help to make a difference in the world in terms of some of the terrible events that unfold around us. We cannot change everything […]

Deeper Relationships And Taking Action

Finally made it back home for the USA yesterday and am stoked to be back in the studio for today’s episode of The Daily Podcast. Today I want to talk with you about the need to make an effort to continually build quality relationships as well as the importance of realizing that you must never […]

Why You Need To Say ‘YES!’ More Often

Greetings again from San Francisco and welcome to the Daily Podcast. In this episode I want to share with you what I learned by saying yes to a dinner invitation last night and why I hope you will start yes to more opportunities more often. There are times in life to stay in a routine […]