You’re one in eight billion – so celebrate it!

The brilliant British poet and writer Oscar Wilde, said it best, “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” In a world of 8 billion people it seems many of us are more comfortable trying to meet others expectations than in accepting the radical and unique gifts of our own nature. In this episode I want to […]

Focus on the small wins

We all have moments when it can seem as if not much is going right. It’s very human to face a few challenges and quickly come to the conclusion that maybe you are way off track and should give up on your dreams and goals. In today’s message I want to share a simple perspective […]

What I Learned In The Shower Last Week

You know how you often have some of your best ideas in the shower? Or at least I do…! Anyway, in this episode I am going to share with you a simple thing I do each day in the shower that has really impacted my morning routine. I also want to talk with you about […]

The Power of Self-Compassion and Encouragement

All of us have an internal critic that can sometimes drown out the voice of self-compassion that can actually help us to grow. In this episode I share how self-compassion is a powerful form of motivation and how encouraging others can be the key to a happy life.

What to do when people drive you crazy!

Do you have anyone in your life who occasionally drives you crazy? Do you have someone at work or at home that you would love to change in some way? It could be a behaviour they have that makes you crazy or a way of talking. I think we all feel that if only we […]

How To Vanquish The Power of Ice-cream and Netflix

In this episode I take some time to answer a listener question about how to close the gap between the ‘theory’ of change and the practical aspects of actually making it happen. If you ever find yourself struggling with knowing what you ‘should’ do but then you find it hard to actually make the changes […]

The Reasons People Hate Exercise And What To Do About It

Ever find yourself wanting to pull the blankets over your head, ignore the alarm and forget about that gym session, walk or run? We’ve all been there! Why do so many people find it so hard to make exercise and training a key part of their life? In this episode I want to give you […]

A Mindset That Can Help With Any Problem You Face

Yesterday, my bike chain slipped off and I found myself in the dark trying to descend a massive hill with deep fog making it virtually impossible to see through my glasses. I can’t lie. There was a load of rather animated thoughts and language running through my mind. However, right at that moment I remembered […]

The Hidden Force That Is Shaping Your Life

Ever find yourself doing something that held you back and wonder why the heck you did it? Why do you tend to often react in unhelpful ways to the same people or situations over and over again? The longer I live the more it seems that certain forces below the level of consciousness seem to […]

This One Skill Is Always Overlooked

A few days ago I was in a bar with an old friend talking about music, art and philosophy. I love any chance to talk about deep topics. Over many years I’ve covered a lot of ground in terms of reading and study and I always enjoy talking about ideas. However, it’s not enough to […]