The Podcast is Below Here The Power of Trial and Error – Success Happens Incrementally J.K Rowling – Commencement Address – Harvard How To Use A Journal : Follow this link The Podcast is Below Here The Power of Trial and Error – Success Happens Incrementally J.K Rowling – Commencement Address – Harvard How To Use A...
THE PODCAST IS BELOW TRANSCRIPT Well hi there! Jonathan Doyle with you once again for the weekly podcast. I’m sitting here right now on the 8th floor of Park Royal Hotel at Melbourne Airport staring out, watching planes land. Truly quite therapeutic when you just sit here and watch planes just gently land. Beautiful to sit here, big window...
How To Use A Journal – CLICK HERE TRANSCRIPT Well hi there! Jonathan Doyle with you. Welcome to the weekly podcast. It’s been a couple of weeks. I’m not one to win your complaint but it seems every year at about the same time I’d get this bizarre chest infection. I don’t know where the whole family gets it almost the same time every...
Improving focus is another key ingredient in developing better outcomes in life? It’s a pretty normal human experience to find that we can often be focused on the wrong things or even focused on the wrong timeframes for creating results. What I want do to in this podcast is talk about making focus work for...
Three Step Process To Change Your Mental State. It is so easy to fall into the trap of allowing your circumstances or the behaviour of other people to let you slide into what I call ‘unproductive mental states.” This week I was given a great big gift when I suddenly caught myself spiralling into negativity...
NOT SURE HOW TO DOWNLOAD A PODCAST? WATCH THIS HERE Why is Getting Focus So Hard? The skill of getting focus can be increasingly hard these days. We have so many things that make it incredibly easy to see our attention and focus just vanish like the morning mist. Many people go to bed with...
One of the most common questions from people who are focused on self-development and making a contribution in life is how do I prioritise goals? It’s often pretty easy to get fired up about all the things we want to accomplish in life but often we can be left staring at a long list of...
Learning from adversity is never easy but it is an essential skill of anyone that wants to grow. So often in life we resist learning from adversity by hiding in destructive behaviours such as overeating, alcohol or distracting ourselves in other ways. The fact is, that if you want to grow you need to look...
In modern life we can easily be conditioned to believe that money and accumulation are the keys to happiness. In recent years many writers have been referring to an idea called ‘the imperious autonomous self’. It’s an idea that as our cultures have advanced we have lost a sense of community and the needs of...
Often in life we can be so busy that it’s hard to stop and be aware of what is really happening around us. While technology bring us so many benefits, it also can fragment our lives and make it very hard to be really attuned to what is most important. Just like the natural world...