Finding Balance In A Hectic World

Recently I was asked by someone about how we can find a way to juggle all the complexity and demands in our life. It occurred to me that maybe we are not meant to. Maybe the problem is that we allow all the small issues and commitments to drag us away from what really matters. […]

Procrastination And What It Costs You

We all face times when procrastination and avoidance can begin to hold us back. The first step to creating change is to understand the psychological basis for procrastination and how to start a process of overcoming it. The world needs the best you can bring to each day and procrastination always holds you back. Listen […]

Learning To Be Kind In A World That’s Gone Crazy

In today’s episode I want to share with you the importance of choosing to be kind in the face of difficult people. Our world is increasingly frantic and busy and many people respond by an increasing experience of isolation, agitation and confrontation. Moving in the opposite direction is not always easy but it is possible. […]

Removing What Is Inessential

In today’s episode I want to share with you a simple idea that can have big implications. We live in a moment in history with extraordinary distractions. There are so many things which we can easily give our time to that offer us so little in return. I want to talk with you about removing […]

The Mental Discipline That Changes Everything

One of my favourite sayings is that, ‘the worst suffering is on the way to the dentist.’ Often in life we allow a negative perspective to cause us needless suffering before we actually have the particular experience we might be wishing to avoid. If you ever find yourself dreading something you have to do then […]

The Daily Habit That Robs You Of So Much

In today’s episode I explore how our fragmented and distracted culture makes it harder and harder to be truly present to the things that really do matter. Being tuned in to the people and the experiences that matter does not happen by accident. It’s something we have to be both mindful of and also committed […]

The One Person In The World You Really Need To Change

In today’s episode I share a great quote from Mahatma Ghandi on the truth that most of us will never get to change the planet but that does not mean we should not try to change ourselves. Many people seem convinced that one of the big goals of life is to change the world. Maybe? […]

The Two Steps To Changing Any Area Of Your Life

Ever find yourself really stuck in some area of life that means a lot to you. Why does it seem so hard to change? Why do so many goals and plans seems to run out of steam? Today I am replying to a listener question about how to change his family’s financial situation. My response […]

The One Comparison You Need To Make Every Day

In today’s episode I share a great quote from Ernest Hemingway that reminds us of the dangers of making the wrong comparisons in life and why we need to focus on making the only one that really matters. I also share another daily practice of learning to give our full attention to the people in […]

Becoming the Person You Were Made To Be

In today’s episode I explore an insight from Jame’s Clear’s book, Atomic Habits and how it offers a more compelling approach to growth beyond just writing goals. I also talk about a similar insight from Aristotle who shows us the confronting truth that we simply will always become what we repeatedly do. It’s a powerful […]