The Benefits of Catholic Education

Jonathan Doyle Global Catholic Speaker


In modern societies it is crucial that parents and their children have access to a range of educational choices. A school culture is essential to providing a quality education and parents have many choices as they seek a positive environment that develops positive relationships where students also learn the value of a moral vision and critical thinking as they navigate life’s challenges.

This article will explore the benefits of a Catholic education and how Catholic schools with a deep sense of Catholic mission and Catholic identity can help Catholic school students to flourish in their own lives through the loving and supportive relationships of Catholic educators. The Catholic school difference is an important one that goes beyond student achievement and student wellbeing and focuses upon the whole child, the message of Jesus Christ, God’s love and God’s grace and the reality of eternal life.

The content in this article is based upon insights from top-ranking pages on the subject of Catholic education and how Catholic schools encourage students to embrace their religious tradition and the rich history of Catholic schools around the world. 

jonathan doyle global catholic student speaker

Section 1: Academic Excellence

Among the most well-known aspects of Catholic Church schools and the education that they provide is a focus upon high standards of academic achievement. While both Catholic and public schools seek student success, the Catholic school is uniquely committed to the formation of the whole human person and, as a result, graduates often report significantly greater access to higher education programs. Catholic school students learn that academic achievement and academic excellence are central to a holistic education and many Catholic schools seek to ensure that all Catholic students have every chance to excel.

catholic school academic excellence
Catholic schools prioritise academic excellence.

Many parents want to know if Catholic school students and private school graduates experience more success than their public school counterparts Recent research makes clear that Catholic school students appear to enjoy better outcomes than many of their public school peers. The data below is one example:

"99% of students who attend Catholic high school graduate. Of those, 86% attend 4-year colleges."

The result of a succesful experience of Catholic intellectual formation and the self-discipline that it develops for Catholic education students means that most students go on to joy significant positive outcomes at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Section 2: Faith and Moral Development

Catholic schools with their deep focus upon improving student wellbeing, have a deep theological foundation made clear in the way a Catholic school promotes its religious education. The faith expectation Catholic schools share with their students is grounded in Sacred Scripture and across the world Catholic school students learn the value of Catholic traditions and learn to experience God’s grace. Through the value each Catholic school places upon the faith and moral development of all Catholic students, a truly unique community of faith and belonging is created. Involving parents is another important aspect of how Catholic school education develops each student’s faith experience.

catholic school student faith formation
Faith and moral formation is central for Catholic schools.

Faith and moral development also includes the concept of ‘Faith in Action.’ Through the stories of scripture, Catholic school students learn that civic and community activities, civic engagement, civic responsibility and care for the poor are deeply held Catholic concerns. It is a fundamental belief of every Catholic school that service of others is central to both the school environment and the wider community. This focus upon service programs and care for others is another important reason that many families choose Catholic schools.

Personalized Learning and Student Engagement

Many Catholic schools also focus upon how Catholic educators can offer each student personalized learning. While this is rarely possible in a public school as public schools often have much higher student-teacher ratios. The desire to enhance student engagement is a significant motivating factor for many Catholic educators. Their strong vocational sense and care for how individual students learn is central to their daily work. Many schools also offer a range of Catholic family services to assist both students and families to enhance learning outcomes.

catholic school personal learning plan
Catholic educators focus on supporting individual learners.

Section 4: Community and Relationships

The Catholic school is a unique community and not simply another educational option or a potential tax write off. Through its focus upon both the educational and the divine, Catholic school students learn that they are part of something very special. Every human person in the school community is seen as precious and as having been created in the image and likeness of God. As such, God’s blessings are made real in the quality of relationships amongst the members of the school family. With a deep commitment to the common good, Catholic schools create a unique sense of safety, acceptance and belonging for all members.

Often, local parishes will also be an important part of the how the Catholic school can build this sense of community. It’s a place where Catholic families are made welcome and where the richness of Catholic traditions and Catholic identity are valued and promoted and not simply academic achievement alone. In essence, the Catholic church, her schools and local parishes all work together to develop a constant and ever-deepening sense of community and rich human relationships. The value of these relationships is a reflection of the relationship with the Holy Trinity. As such, a vibrant Catholic school is a true reflection of the divine.

catholic education student wellbeing
Student wellbeing develops in caring communities.

Section 5: Additional Benefits and Considerations

Catholic schools also offer an extensive range of vocational education opportunities and extracurricular activities. Catholic school education, based upon its understanding of the education of the whole person sees every person as having a diverse range of interests and skills. As such, Catholic school students can pursue a wide range of interests due to the many possible options for sporting, artistic, dramatic or musical skills they may have. In fact, one of the many reasons that families choose catholic education is due to these many and varied opportunities that give their children a chance to develop and refine their own unique skills and abilities.

A final important consideration is that Catholic schools are not only available for Catholic families. Catholic schools make their unique educational opportunities available to students of all faith backgrounds and even to students with no faith tradition at all. Catholic schools believe that their unique spiritual and intellectual formation should be open to all people of good will.


Catholic education offers a range of unique and powerful benefits for students and their families. From better to student personal outcomes, to deep moral, ethical and spiritual formation, to higher graduate rates and college entry and completion, Catholic school graduates enjoy a greater range of positive outcomes than their public school peers.

For parents who are seeking a holistic education for their child, then the rich and supportive community of a Catholic elementary or high school can make all the difference.


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Jonathan Doyle


I’m on a mission to liberate the potential of the incredible people that make up your organisation, school, or business.

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